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Publishing is but enlightening citizenry from the strongest possible publishing position: avant garde epistemology handfuls leading human assaying of civilization building and culture sustaining. That is the publishing cutting edge, s’il vous plait. The publishing art’s best strength lies in an altruist publisher's masterly overview of society including the intellectual hold over human civilization’s mainstreaming that brings about a twosome: human happiness and world peace, alas, a crying need of modern humankind not being met at all. HHH makes it a point to put that burning human need center stage in the World Colosseum. HHH does so by keeping ahead of its business enterprise the lead light of publishing creative writing rich India Redeeming literature. Says the Bhagavadgita कुर्याद्विद्वांस्तथा  असक्तः  चिकीर्षुः लोकसंग्रहम्. The point is to move the new age Indian minds to both neo knowledge and corresponding nation serving neo Karma- Sukarma.

न हि ज्ञानेन सदृशं पवित्रम्* -गीता


On the Indian subcontinent, hoary human history kept filtering through time’s ‘ages rock’ into assured sustenance’s Vedic Thought aquifers.Though latterly also Anti History constrained- still held a hostage, oh, kept in limbo- yet exude by its simmering exude, much as dew at fresh morning hour, the perennial good is ever beading forth, lately rejuvenating on, renaissance’s promise on its perception spurs. 


At HHH PUBLISHING, a budding critical spur, the cultural ‘artesian well’ finds anew its fount flow, the geysers spurting high up into steadily reawakening Hindu Indian airs. 


Aware, and applying our scholarly mind, we  artisans selected some to come up with many a belles lettres pearl string, oh, yet budding forth more pearl strings. 

We offer literary selections germane to our zeitgeist: artisan books.

Our point: adding our mite to world redeeming. 

Our focus: India Redeeming, a redeemed India but a required stepping stone to world redeeming, modernly humankind’s most pressing matter, yet its unmet burning need.  


LEITMOTIF: Reinstating Vedic culture is but restoring civilization’s health. 


Our modus operandi


ESSAY: sparkling mots justes speaking to intellect.


POETRY: a matter ever so close to pining hearts.


STORY: Life’s ironies’ storied summum bonum. 


PLAY: long drawn think-talk drawls.


TRANSLATION: The perfect literary way to address the world's discrete diversities.


PUBLISHING is but illuminating the public mind per choice luminous as well as numinous belles lettres- an express HHH business- nation serving Sattvik Karm- Sukarm a la धर्म कर्म मर्म.


Maiden HHH offering: a trilogy


EAST WEST COMPLEX (sets the world scene, essay)

THE HINDU HARANGUE (conjures national focus, essay) 

HIMACHAL HUE (breaks the mold, poetry). 





In its seminal mold, and wider import to future world history, the current Indian Republic is much the same template as to Adi Shankaracharya time the Buddhism foraged fraying Hindu society. The symbolism tells. The promise prompts neo perceptions.






Hosting India Redeeming centric literature- encompassing Sanskrit, Hindi, Panjabi English, German, French belles lettres- in regular seasonal literary harvests. Nation’s avant-garde at work, nose to the neo perceptions cutting literary mill- courtesy HHH Pvt. Ltd. Chandigarh,


*knowledge above all


The prevailing human civilization, a case of express materialistic living, is western culture’s ‘cardinal’ creation, their utmost creativity expression. It sees human aspiration’s fulfillment coming only and only over humans’ pursuit of Konsum-Kultur i.e. living to eat philosophy of life. Accordingly, they shape and run their societies. They risk planet pollution in achieving their non exalting end.


This, of course, contradicts the West’s own philosopher Socrates who spoke for keeping to eat to live lifestyle. In fact, this civilization is at odds with both SERMON ON THE MOUNT and THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. It thus disappoints. History richly affirms its recurring hopelessness. 


At HHH we naturally cultivate a recourse to Ved and Vedant, superior civilization mettle that has natural law centre stage in running human society, humans the subservient faithful. There is no absolute freedom which is alone nature’s exclusive preserve. And nature is benign. So guarantees to us Vedic living benign outcomes. Alas! Ved is in limbo.


There we Indians stand at a crossroads.


Go on keeping to the West way- current at present- or, turning a corner, take to Vedic living all over again? 


To be, or not to be? 

That is the question.


HHH upholds the Vedic view & conduct of life. It is a sure shot way to create on earth mortally possible human happiness, hence peace, therefore a ‘good’ human society as against the prevailing ‘bad’ society.


HHH lights up the dark trail to that path per assaying neo episteme, the laying of groundwork for founding a corresponding republic.That should be the choice knowledge technology for bringing in seminal change- belles lettres wise to begin with, the point being to set an example on Indian soil  in redeeming India and ‘pioneering’ neo India. 


Indian people alone can pioneer that exalting assay in superior human living.


HHH highlights that ‘paradigm shift’ need of humankind per creative writing einsatz including regular book publishing.



-intellect invoking, thought-provoking

The world has grown too tech to allow humans also to keep their mind exalting natural think spaces. Thinking is fundamental to being a human being, but heightened thinking, s’il vous plaît, for humans do enjoy the highest measure in intelligence. As no awake person does without work i.e. Karma, and Karma comes from the mind's think function, the think matter itself needs no further introduction. You are what you think, and you think what you eat- another vital fundamental to all life. Both the basics must be cutting edge. Or it is blemishes tarnishing human doings.

Thinking thus takes its top place on the human civilization’s altar, not to speak of think-intense individual citizenship and its heightened practices. Thinking indeed is in the human temple the very sanctum sanctorum. Buddha was quite a think-species exemplar.

But elevated and exalting thinking is easier said than done. Of course, all living beings think, humans themselves made for the extra think function that eventually leads to the making of culture and civilization. In that respect, humans are a specialized animal species. Yet humans normally do default thinking, too ordinary, and, however important to the practices of regular living, remaining basal at best. Mind exalting thinking is a different proposition altogether. Indian Rishis and Maharishis remain to date the ‘think genre’ epitome. Their over the Yugas founded and consolidated epistemology founts not only withstood time but also continue to surprise us with their ‘ready’ relevance to our ultratech world’s concerns and problems.

For example, the new tech intense world is short on both peace and happiness and harmony, the basics of sensible living attending human ados. This world is at a loss to know the required ‘how-to’. In contrast, the ancient Rishi good is the choice means to resolving man made world problems, lo, each time an exact fit. Take for example the technology backed Konsum Kultur caused planet’s non stop pollution. It is the new agent upon planetscape endangering all life nonlife alike. Unless checked, it will suffocate the planet earth to its death. 

The Rishis showed in antiquity itself the correct way to live life. They advised restraint in consuming materials indispensable to surviving, and thriving. They called it SANYAM. SANYAM denotes judicious measures in putting materials at humans’ service. For example, mass deforestation going on everywhere on earth is not a wise thing to do. The Rishis advised: learn from the bumblebee. It hovers over flowers taking just the necessary feed, not a grain more. That is SANYAM. Humans had better know and practice this virtue. The bee knows, and it does it better.

The Rishis! Such thinkers are our world’s burning need. These types, however, are few and far between. Most human beings don’t get time from their Konsum-Kultur obsessions that leave their think cells rendered vestige.

Hence the significance of humankind’s avant garde taking the lead, getting center stage, and so helping out humanity in molding and shaping its destiny in accordance with the best attainable and applicable in high human intelligence, the hallmark of Homo sapiens. Science and Technology is one way, yes, but then extreme of everything is bad. Our tech world has been indulging technology extremes. No wonder we have a bad world on our hands, and we do not know what to do with it, how to bring to it a measure of sense and sensibility.

Only the Rishi thinking sort can bring about a change in the stagnating human condition.

Thus, thinking per se is humankind’s big burning need.

HHH does work that serves that high end in living, namely honing the thinking faculty. HHH publishes books and similar literature with a view to moving readers to thinking, more thinking, deep thinking, thinking that should usher people into more reasoned out living, and such as adds to the planet’s beauty- unlike the earth’s current ever spiraling ever worsening pollution ailments augmenting living bereft of heightened thinking- the West in lead.

Rishi minds are the modern humanity’s first new need.

HHH is at pains to make Indian society aware of that particular need, also because the Indian mind is a natural fit to assaying exalted thinking, indeed a la Maharishis. Moreover, the Indian subcontinent’s mild climate encourages such mind freeing world bettering human activity.

Rameshwar Dutt

Publisher Rameshwar Dutt, a nearly Ph.D-ed scholar, specializes in the Upanishad detail as relevant to the urgency of transforming the much rusted all Macaulayed up moribund Indian Education System. He means business with wanting to bring it at par with the revived and redeemed Indian nation’s zeitgeist compatible need. As such, publishing is second habit to the pioneering scholar who is willed to demonstrate, over his superior publishing, his skill by producing books that both entertain and enlighten readers, books that can help shape human future better. He so adds his mite to the society’s ‘progress stock’.

Kiran Sharma

A fresh PhD entrant at PU, Chandigarh, Kiran Sharma has a strong hand in Panjab History. Her present research focuses on winning from भगवद्पुराणाम् such episteme applications in ideas and thoughts and ontology as may aid  the long oppressed Indian nation in regaining measures of its own Vedic self. To be independent is to come true to oneself, the stepping stone to excellence. The principle holds good in all cases- be it individuals, citizens, nations, cultures, civilizations. Enjoying freedom is but being human being’s sine qua non as well as non plus ultra. Kiran Sharma does it with a Himachali flair in book publishing. Only oxygens rich Himalayas blown Himalayan Himachal environs can bring about in individuals such purity in artistic accomplishment. Kiran has done it. She is already a substantial publisher with three premier literary books in her métier-tally, quite a start for an upstart publisher. The published books are: EAST WEST COMPLEX, THE HINDU HARANGUE, THE HIMACHAL HUE. Yet more are on her publisher anvil, adding to the remarkable artistry colors on her publisher palette.

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