Dr. Satish Kumar Shukla

The Indian Republic fetes
The Indian people-
The Republic’s sine qua non
That’s the pretense, alas!
Upheld anniversary after anniversary
Not a bad indulgence
Certainly though occasion
For added afterthought
For, time keeps its own rhythm
The zeitgeist askance
Quo vadis?
You! Young Indian Republic?
The slews still condemned
To skewed living
Poverty still holding its fort
The few ruling over the masses
The mismatch disturbs tranquility
The more the burgeoning reaction’s augury
A nation long fallen from its grace
Centuries after centuries its pummels
In foreign invasion mills
Killer the nation killing ordeals
The lone savior but
Indian peoples’ invincible will
The time’s abstruse element apart
Upon world stage let loose a play
Civilization’s clashing contest
An ancient Vedic culture
Pitted against the new age Avedic Titans
The play’s central theme
to lay bare the abiding truth
To reveal universal truth’s ascendency
Ved stays
Aved goes, transient occurrences
Pax Romana once- lo! Gone
British Empire- short termed global villainy
Christians, Crusades
Islam, Ghazwa, Jihad
What all villainous creatures came
Displaying dark role variations
Transworld the ueber-Bardy plays
Nothing Avedic withstanding time
Ved though stays!
Today’s India again aroused
At reviving its Jagatguru self
The current Indian Republic but
A pale shadow of the Indian potential
Still good, regaining nation’s pristine breath
The full blooded flood surely bound to come
Truth alone prevails- thus spake Upanishad
Ved is on life the incontrovertible truth overlay
Hence the Indian ups and downs
So the world takes note
Example overriding any precept
Look! The Irrepressible Indian nation
Sanatan Dharam its heart and soul
Rerising all over again
What perils of existence it withstood!
Time inflecting
The old rusting must fall
Such is time’s new thrall
Watch out, folks!
The world stage afire with seminal change
New scripts, new plots
New the curtain rise
New age Indians in lead
Ved and Upanishad at their abide.
Others pollute the planet
Climate Change their next jinn
Social reaction at its pandemic spread
Altogether humankind’s damn dread.
Ved will come to humans’ aid
Indians will set the next example
This Indian Republic but the prelude
Watch out for the dramatic turns
As the new old India churns
SAGARMANTHAN in new age edition
Hooray the great Indian Civilization!
Bravo the steady Sanatan Dharam!
Hail the nucleating HINDU RASHTAR!
Over neo Mahabharat will conjure next time
Humankind’s next age Vedic paradigm.
There, that’s the scene to watch
It’s coming, never mind the delays
The upheavals, all good the relays
Indians bound to come
At long last out the woods
However hard, yet unrelenting
The Indian peoples’ fate’s sways.