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BHAGWADPURANAM- Key to resolving the India Redeeming Complex

Writer's picture: Dr. Satish Kumar ShuklaDr. Satish Kumar Shukla

A priori, a posteriori, BHAGWADPURANAM, BP, hosts our known world’s - matter, spirit all same- fundamental knowledge, all basics, all subjects including material sciences, sure atoms too- a la Daseins Grundgesetz! Oh, as well la raison du monde, world reason that is.

And then it (BG KNOWLEDGE) has withstood tumultuous hoary histories.

Time has, it hasn’t aged in the cosmogonic regard of universal matters of existence as those of nearer ontological civilization. In fact, it towers above all the other accumulated knowledge Himalayas holding on to its fundamental propositions, propoundings, principles and elucidations and inferences and conclusions both spiritual and the scientific, yes, too, in the light of the latest advancements in material sciences. It alone touches the perfectness’ sky, as it were. What omniscience!

Hence the significance of attending to BG at ueber-university levels.

Important as it is on its own, University still is regimented scholarship, restrained in its approach as well as capability. For example, it depends on external agencies of state or of private capital for its work and function, not to speak of personalities riven prejudices driven ‘unscholarly’ therefore unethical interventions often bordering on violations of the very spirit of seeking after the culture sustaining truths of life. A university is autonomous all right, but not independent. That limitation restrains University function, a hurdle to knowledge seeking, knowledge creating and knowledge disseminating.

Ueber university, in fact far above the professors lined humble university, the subject matter of BP, is but the fulsome university of life. Full, overbrimming is this life’s epistemological matrix, namely society, with quandaries and questions demanding answers and resolutions of taxing conundrums native to living. And this no holds barred. A citizen enjoys, when so disposed, complete independence, a sine qua non to enquiry, research and scholarship, BP the good luck charm, the best talisman to possess. It is akin to opening the vaults to world secrets, Pandora’s box included for the extra inquisitive mind kind.

And BP is a mega university in itself, one above any and every thinkable competition. There is a reason to that BP par excellence. BP is but Krishan biography essentially. Krishan is a Vishnuavatar, as such the primordial source of the universe, therefore divinely au fait, nay, Bhagwan. Yogeshwar!

The term biography there is not commensurate with the Krishan ‘kriyaklp’ which is but reestablishing disturbed world order, a thing of beyond the human ken. The Bhagavadgita chapter 10 sets the ueber-universal Krishan mould, and it is incontrovertible, impeccable and immanent. Humans have no choice but submission, or they keep living harvesting perpetual suffering. Thus BP is the standard compendium in cosmogony, epistemology and all the rest episteme. There couldn’t be a more universal definition of university.

And there couldn’t be a scholarship higher than one engaging itself with researching applications that can help humans live correct and proper lives, better lives and best lives, fulfillment distinguished lives, not the case so far, for the conventional university fails to meet life’s overbearing criteria in building and sustaining civilization. The prevailing world situation, bad as it is and no laurel on human genius, following two millennia of the West ravages filled raging Anti History upon world stage, proves everything in any which way of regard of la raison du monde- the university on its own is fail; it needs access to knowledge resources like BP. The prevailing standard world helps not humans beak barriers and advance; it actually demeans civilization even as it defiles all maverick effort at course correction. Human genius itself it wrecks and ruins in pursuit of life’s banalities.

In contrast, BP enlightens, and BP enables and empowers the seekers of truth so they can build a better world, a perennial human want crying for its redress- so far unmet.

O yes, BP does!

BP does so because it possesses the brightest episteme light to light up life’s darkly paths. Any troubling question? Ask Krishan. Presto the answer. Skandh 11, for example, is typical BP treat to scholarship hungring for creating new knowledge. It’s a cognition centred fulsome dialogue between Udhav the knowledge seeker and Krishan the knowledge giver. It marks the non plus ultra in Vedic Science. Beyond this point is Weltall, Antriksh, Shunya, Nasdiya Sukt admission, the unknown reality, really. Gita 13 sat ASAT…

A scholar researching BP is so a birdie sipping drops of nectar at the BP ocean- for VISHWKALYANAM naturally.

Correct guidance is the critical catalyst; new knowledge the diadem on that scholarship crown.

In a word, BP offers to a terribly harangued and harried humanity, moreover faced with its own hoist petard- plant pollution, Nukes, drab living, environment unfriendly lifestyle, episteme void, nescience surge, tech noose tightening around life’s neck, strife, struggles, war- fresh transitory survival hope.

Of course, we live in Kaliyug. This age too, like so many before, must end one day however distant.

The point is to make the best of our turn and chance, BG offers to drowning humanity its last straw, and to a research scholar treasure troves of seminal insights including enlightenment loci.


Thanks to India’s Sanatan Dharam.

Hail India’s Sanatan Dharam!

And hail the scholarly pursuit of innovation by researching BP-inspired assays into establishing ever more new knowledge relevant to our lives as much as to the world in which we live.

There just is no alternative at humans’ disposal than a resolute recourse to BG in solving civilization’s problematics- if they mean well with living, that is.

The above particularly applies to India and Indian people and INDIA REDEEMING, for of all the folks Indians stand with their hearts and Vedic sensibility nearest to BG.

Indians ought to set an example in innovation in new-age sociology.

Besides, an example is better than precept.


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