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Writer's picture: hhhpublishingshhhpublishings

Hope is the truest harbinger home in human hearts

On earth, India is a country non pareil in every sense of the term, as is the Indian nation a case extraordinary in every dimension of culturally advanced nationhood keeping by a folk. 

India, the current country 1947-2024, though, is just the odd seven decades old- quite a bad experiment really- conceived by unwise Indians, yes. But the Sanatan cultural nation? 

Well, circumstance alters the case. Here we meet with a cultural giant sui generis, indeed its own example, and actually our planet’s most ancient, most developed, yet the most advanced civilization host, having lost none of its Sanatan Dharam sheen, its bad, undeserved drubbing in history’s mills notwithstanding. This is best understood and appreciated when we acknowledge a cardinal truth of life: all other people discovered that the earth is round. In contrast, Indians knew all along that the earth is round, a sphere, and that it travels around the sun, completing one round in 365 days-a year, that is. Indians knew all the science needed to know celestial phenomena, say, the solar lunar eclipses. That finesse in knowledge surprises us no end.

Not only that; it is also the lone continuing culture where the world saw many powerful civilizations go to seed and bite the dust. The Egyptian one lost out to African sands, the Romans fell to their cultivated decadence, and Greeks could not withstand the onslaught of new paradigms of life in spite of their brave assay into philosophy. After all, they were empirical, unlike Indians who transcended empiricism thanks to their Ved. There were more transitory cultures around the world that are seen in relics and ruins, with some bits and pieces of their rudiments surviving here and there. 

As if to round up the picture, India also showcases how low a country can fall when its destiny’s reins fall in its bad sons and daughters’ inept hands. So became Indians of Vedic vintage prey to the world’s barbarians; they actually went under a centuries long servitude blade, a sordid saga unlike any other, and at once an exemplar in all round human degeneration, no matter invader or the invaded. Anti History again took charge of world affairs after the Pax Romana.

Even so, the Indian nation goes on and on and on. Even the mighty British Empire had to give in to the Indian nation’s ueber-might. They packed and ran within two centuries of their foolhardiness; they had come to possess the land for ever. A fool must have been the English nation to think so. They had imagined it as their White Man’s burden to civilize Indians. Oh, the boundless English perfidy! The pygmies of men! Indians showed the English apes the mirror; they do believe in their Darwin’s evolution demagogy, don’t they? Huxley strong too their tomfoolery and the Bertrand bloody nonsense. How can humans be evolved from apes when the intelligence gap between the two species tells altogether a different story? But then they have pygmy minds, never mind their Churchillisms.They thought they were the world’s best debunkers. The primitive Darwin minds!

Indian people are an enlightened folk thanks to their Ved and Vedant, their terrible 1000 horror histories notwithstanding. They know it better with cosmogony, epistemology, and the philosophy of life.That is the quintessential Indian nation. It has successfully withstood millennia of tests and trials, especially those it faced pitted against an overwhelmingly strong-in-barbarism-might West.

Naturally, it matters the most to revive this long suffering nation and bring it back into the Indian mainstream so it can guide and lead Indian people's regeneration and restoration to where they truly belong: Vedic people in the know of life and living, yes, to the hilt, and so in concert with nature’s incontrovertible reason and law.  That calls for fresh initiative and lots of pioneering work with a view to redeeming India.

We at HHH thought we could take that tremendous task into our humble hands. We are naturally humble, but that doesn’t forbid retaining self-confidence.

Hence HHH, the founding of HHH, a book publishing company. Besides, we base it in Chandigarh for a number of reasons. 

The City Beautiful itself is a lovely experiment begun in free India, a fresh start in urban living that is so far removed from typical India living as home in Indian villages. A casual walk along the Chandigarh boulevards is enough to impress any visitor; the scenes inspire and the sights provoke in observer added thought. For example, the well planned richly diverse tree populations. A university adorns the City Beautiful visage, as it were, not just the Sukhna Lake. Citizens are well educated. And, of course, many more cultural emblems that can be any city’s pride and other competitors’ envy.

We thought out HHH if only to embellish the City Beautiful, and to add positively to our nation, naturally. What could better showcase Chandigarh’s avant garde potential than a thriving book culture, literature at its very best? Sharp intellects are home to creating new thought, the impetus for new deeds serving our nation. 

HHH is that intellectual assay in seminal semantics’ daring sorties.The more engrossing it gets with the main HHH theme: India Redeeming.

Every Indian knows our Indian nation is not in good shape. Every Indian desires a change for the better. But how?

HHH is willed to find the needed way forward and show the same to Indian people- in their minds, to begin with. Mind is the main matter. Once they have cleared their minds of the accumulated colonial confusion-facades and the cobwebs, the path to India Redeeming opens. To achieve that exalted end, HHH will produce enlightening books- literary works, belles lettres that can empower citizens with new thought, new ideas, and new ways to live life- in a word, Vedic life.

Vedic life is simple life, one with Mother Nature. Indians worship nature anyway. From trees to animals- cow is the top symbol- Indians demonstrate this Vedic virtue even now when they are living out un-Vedic lives forced upon them by unlearned un-Vedic Indians. It has been a painful seven decades long nightmare meanwhile, and the outlook is bad, very bad, well, ominous, honestly.

Turning the corner out of this so un-Indian bloody mess must happen sooner than later. HHH says: Why wait? Why not here and now? HHH will hand in Indians’ hands the essential grammar of India Redeeming- books wise. Remember,


न हि ज्ञानेन सदृशं पवित्रमिह विद्यते? 

Lo, when pursued to its logical end, our chagrined nation’s required turning point! 

Once the correct and proper knowledge is in place, and in hand, nothing stands in the way of correct and proper Karma. That fact is our sheet anchor as we go about our HHH work.

We even decided to make a start with a unique book, EAST WEST COMPLEX,  EWC. It will set the scene for our ado overall. We live in a globalised world in which communication is blitz quick, and many tech innovations are regularly in offing, offering new world citizens inexhaustible opportunities to live well themselves as well as contributing to the commonweal, namely civilization’s advancement.

HHH is that example, s’il vous plait. 

HHH is on with producing the next literary book: INDIA REDEEMING- Literary Essays.

And thereby, the sky is the limit to HHH ‘heft’ in INDIA REDEEMING promoting works

Come one, come all! Together we can create a new world order.

Yes, we can.

HHH’s the first step in the right direction.



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