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Writer's picture: Dr. Satish Kumar ShuklaDr. Satish Kumar Shukla

Too much of a good thing- As You Like It, Act 4.

I am better off non rich. Poor I am not. Not one citizen ought to be poor- not on society’s count,

manmade poverty being an absolute disgrace, the therein involved state crime apart.

But the wider world is mad after riches and riches gathering. Billionaires is current fashion and

fashionistas the world over. After all, we live in Kaliyug, and upon us this last Mahayug quartet’s damnations raining forth relentlessly. Undeniably, the zeitgeist has its own force and thrust and la raison de monde. There is no gainsaying that realism.

Even so- the sun sets daily ushering darkness, yet only to come up again the next morning-

human beings are much as the untiring sun. Humans are home to indefatigable hope. And then that capped by high human intelligence that gives in human hands the power to fight off Kaliyug spirit if they mean business with defying the age’s compulsions and proclivities.

Hence no to poverty, certainly so to manmade poverty which is such a broad spectrum spread

under the aegis of the worldwide reigning capitalism. Capitalism not only creates manmade

market presided poverty, it also perpetuates it. It thrives on social poverty cum inequality. So is

the world situation today. Rest is best left to citizen imagination.

But nevertheless a big no to riches and riches amassing. It’s a fool’s errand, not worth the time,

effort and energy as long as it bears with manmade poverty regularly attending its modus

operandi Corporations’ heartless strides demeaning the best and the finest in human breasts.

Humans like to dream, aspire, be, excel thus coming true to the life’s purpose and purports.

Indian Philosophy clearly delineates life’s purpose; it is attaining MOKSH over assayed

Sukarma. That doesn’t forbid living well, enjoying a non-polluting living standard. Riches amassing though is a no no. It is not needed at all in the MOKSH regard. It even hinders MOKSH attaining, because wealth is, in Bhagwan Ram words: ...WORRIES WITHOUT NUMBER ARE BORN OF WEALTH.

Thus, we may DAMN THE RICHES. The pursuit brings little sensible, but all possible

damnations upon the pursuer. Our world is full of examples, one more enlightening than the

other, that display to the keen observer the perils of wealth amassing.

Generally, wealth accumulation is accompanied by reckless exploitation of the weak by the

strong. Such is the capitalism constitution. Capitalist orders around proceedings on the strength

of his damn dead feel-less capital. Fierce market competition throws in its own determiners in

the ‘ring’. The rest is boxing. Who boxes firm, fast and ferocious jabs and hooks wins the title.

So emerge upon human scene billionaires.

Not a gentleman’s game. The world knows how the market made space for Colonialism, Global Imperialism and those terrible wars, leave alone freedom’s robbing and innocent peoples’ wealth looting and nations’ plundering at imperial hands. WEALTH OF NATIONS! So thundered upon scene the Englishman Adam Smith. The fellow knew little of MOKSH and things. Ignorance to the type is a bliss.

Be that as it may, I will give a damn to amassing wealth. I don’t do that stupid business. No!


Nor I am a poor citizen. I have enough for a decent living that involves no exploitation of others in any which way at all. It’s a clean honest life built upon sincere labor, self-enlightenment, and most of all on Indian Shashtar Sanatan foundations.

In the end it is told- the wealthy Pandavas renounced their kingdom, took to Sanyas, walked the

Himalayas and so walking departed from the life scene.

Now, that’s a corker!

Lives worthy of emulation.

I am happy doing that business.

I am a happy man, as happy as that ‘poor’ poet who told the jewels and gems and pearls laden shining king this






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