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Writer's picture: Dr. Satish Kumar ShuklaDr. Satish Kumar Shukla

All that glitters isn’t gold- The Merchant of Venice, act 2, scene 7

And that fulmination home in the title above is no exaggeration reckoned on cultural and

civilizational metrics of appreciation and appraisal of life’s vital stakes.

Take food, the very first cultural pick in any civilized society. Junk! Junk food. The West gorges

on junk food. One can’t even deny that ‘injunction’ against the West.

Junk food gives rise to junk thought. America ‘excels’ in that particular point of assessment.

Here is a sizzling dazzling example; it goes so:

Current President of USA, Mr Biden, is naturally supposed to know of matters the sharpest

sense way. After all, this gentleman represents a Superpower, as our world’s new big republican nation. It’s a postmodern tech giant, yes. Knowledge gathering is but Googling off hand, or intense, all same. They are gotten AI far meanwhile. Sky is the limit to those tech highs.

So, says this ‘learned’ man, for instance, Indian are xenophobes.

Junk thought born of junk food- one could surmise.

India is not an immigrant land. That’s a natural given. Why would Indians want immigrants

when, anyway, they are 1.5 billion, all by themselves? Therefore, Indians are not xenophobes;

they are content with themselves, a subcontinent at their disposal. Poor American President

determined to prove his illiteracy in arcane things of deeper dimensions of living. Junk thought!

Yankeeing is not same as Maharishing.

Not only that.

Another American of note, namely Jefferson had this stand in the American Declaration of

Independance document “…all men are created equal.”

Now, now, that’s absolute junk thought, I suppose born of junk food again.

No two individuals are equal in any sense of reckoning- be it physical, be it spiritual. Besides,

each reincarnated soul is an individual stamp genius. Homo sapiens is a genus all right, but soul is a different matter altogether. Darwin knew little of that- the spiritual pauper Englishman.

Bhagwan Krishan held His own masterly sway over the soul matter- unrivaled that cosmogony

to this day as for all times to come.

Thus, Thomas Jefferson was talking nonsense, or then- poor man- not in the know of what he

was talking. A neophyte assaying episteme! Junk thought of junk America. Such deadwood


It has caused all so much needless troubles in human living these past couple of centuries;

even fantastic science and technology compensation has been little help. They have all along

been at creating an unhappy world in which human welfare counts far below- if at all the market and profiteering. Junk civilization that revels in producing mass poverty and the

accompanying injustice, forget human equality creation. What savvy creatures these reared on

junk foods and junk thoughts!

And those Europeans of post-Middle Ages. Humankind’s absolute colonial devils that brought

about dubious world wonders: Slavery; Apartheid; Segregation; Extermination, not to speak of

their global imperial crimes against humanity.

The picture today under West’s watch?

Does it need recounting?

Day and night they are into the same old ‘imperious’ ruts building. They have even brought the

Chinese to indulging in neo-imperialism. Ask the Tibetans, or then, lately, the Filipinos. This

Frankenstein is a grand ‘tribute’ to the evil genius of America particularly, and to the dud in the

West gears generally. Blinded by endless profiteering pursuit per se, they worked up the

Frankenstein into strength over their Corporation-stratagems. Now they don’t know how to undo their ‘master creation’ even as the devilish thing, so very un-Confucius, keeps coming at them ever so little by little. It will come to the curtain fall sooner or later cheered on by WW III


All so many duds loose upon Weltseele!

The West itself being the most remarkable dud.

Junk thought-driven junk foods fed the anti-hero of humankind ever so busy budding forth Anti

History- by the tons too!

Down with this useless West!

Civilization must redeem, rejuvenate and be on courses to its Ved-enlightened works all over

again Indian nation in lead.

And henceforth Neo-Renaissance on the order of the day(s).




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