Eudaemonic: happiness producer
Example par excellence: Indian subcontinent’s much underrated yet time transcending Vedic Civilization. Pure gold glitters indeed.
Infelicific: unhappiness producer
Example par ‘unexcellence’: The much overrated worldwide spread Western Civilization. Glitters all, but no gold.
Eudaemonic record: time’s repeat Yuga ages.
Express indicators: Tretayug’s Ram Rajya-Ramayanam; Dwaparyug’s Dharam-Raj a la Mahabharat; modernly Indian Civilization’s successful resistance and repeat wins against powerful predator-world empires, the last such grand closure mid-20th century being the British Raj’s utter rout, repulsion including expulsion from Indian subcontinent. Result: The Indian Subcontinent and its peoples’ happiness at regaining their freedom as indeed their reinstatement as an independent superior cultural entity reenabled to pursue its subcontinental genius in matters of living, development and progress.
Infelicific record: The CE era expressly post Pax Romana, and currently as of the prevailing ueber tech age leading humankind more and more into ever-accentuating unhappiness regimes a la Western lifestyle. Investment of time, resources and energy massive-mountainous; return: massive unhappiness realms globally.
Extraordinary indicators: Planet Pollution; Climate Change; environmental contamination; Cancers’ unmitigated pandemics; unmitigated Crime Domains; Power Trappings; Moral Degeneration- generally all-prevalent perdition promising Apocalypse.
Return to Eudaemonics by having in humankind’s driver seat sit Eudaemonic faithful.
There is no shortcut.