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A Collection of selected papers published in the online journal, 'Prachi Prajna'

India O India !
A grandiloquent eulogy, bons mots strong strung wreath to honor India, a unique world nation, a one-off high culture, many a poem paean sung to the glory of Mother India.
India Indicia
India Indicia captures in nuanced words the soul and substance of the perpetual in the Indian nation, namely the Ved and Vedant hallmark of Indian people. The context is traditional ancient, but the treatment is true to our zeitgeist.

India Indicted
This is the background to the composition of INDIA INDICTED. It is very direct, sharp,
crisp word of indictment carried in the idiom of free verse. No holds barred go at packing
the bull of Indian corruption by the horn in order to show to the upcoming generations
light, true light, not mish mash of hanky panky confused-thought-light as given in
contemporary literature that is scattering our nation’s energies than harnessing them into
concerted go at development. INDIA INDICTED seeks to correct that error.
Caught Up All